Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1987 — Computer Center Sets Sights on Fourth Class [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Computer Center Sets Sights on Fourth Class

The fourth class of the Hawaii Computer Training Center is scheduled for January through April in Suite 300, 33 S. King St. Students for this class went through testing in English, math and typing during October. For more informahon on how you may become a student at HI-CTC, eall 538-0035.

The training center is designed to empower members of disadvantaged and minority populations in Hawaii to develop the skills necessary for gainful employment in the emerging high-tech communications age. The Center is an Alu Like ine. project and is the first of its kind established with the generous support of the IBM Corporation. Other corporate sponsors include Alexander & Baldwin ine., James B. Campbell Estate,

Hawanan TeIephone Company, United Airlines, Hawaiian Electric Industries and NYNEX Corporation. The administrative staff is headed by Estelle Liu as executive director; Tom Yokoyama, IBM Site Manager; and Kathryn Keala, Employment Specialist.