Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 11, 1 November 1987 — O'Connor, Mrantz are Newest MGF Staffers [ARTICLE]
O'Connor, Mrantz are Newest MGF Staffers
Two new staff members at Moanalua Gardens Foundation have begun work in their respective positions. Maura 0'Connor is the curriculum writer and Maxine Mrantz, a former contributing writer for Ka Wai Ola O OHA, is the new researcher-writer and editor. 0'Connor is a trained environmentalist who has
worked as an education specialist and interpretive naturalist. She has developed curriculum materials for elementary and secondary levels as well as participating in extensive educational outreach in the community. She is the author of five environmental educational curriculum guides whieh are distributed nationally and in Canada. At MGF, she'll handle researching, writing, developing and overseeing the production of education materials to schools and the general public.
Mrantz has a background īn advertismg and publishing and owns Aloha Publishing. She has created 11 booklets on various aspects of Hawaiian culture from monarchy to whaling to how women fared in ancient Hawaii. Her areas of responsibility include handling general publicity and public relations for MGF, Prince Lot Hula Festival, editing and writing the organization's bimonthly newsletter, program notes, brochures, magazine articles and other material to help publicize the foundation's program.