Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1987 — Moloka ʻi Families Plan Reunion [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Moloka ʻi Families Plan Reunion

It all started with the book, "Tales from the Night Rainbow," by Koko Willis and Pali Lee whieh was published in 1986. The book is about Moloka'i history whieh tells stories about places and people familiar to many Moloka'i kupuna. As a result, many Moloka'i families have been looking for their roots.

Now comes a reunion of the descendants of the first Pe'elua. The name Pilikoko Pe'elua, Kamali'i O Moloka'i (blood family of Pe'elua, children of Moloka'i) has been adopted by this ohana for its first reunion 6 p. m. Nov. 14 at Haiku Gardens in Kaneohe. It will be precededat 7 p.m., Friday, Nov. 13, by agenealogy session at the Ewa Beach home of Greg Keli'inui. A free breakfast is planned from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 14, at Ala Moana Park before dinner that niaht in Kaneohe.

An estimated 350 Pe'elua ohana members, most of them from Moloka'i, are expected at the Haiku Gardens festivities. Family members needing more information may eall Karen Kanoho at 259-9226; Koko Willis, 734-1163; and Greg Keli'inui, 689-0797. The reunion idea was born in February, 1987, when

members of the Hale, Rawlins, Kahele, Kame'ekua, Baker, Linken, Keli'inui, Leonui, Bishaw, Paia, Nakagawa, Pe'elua, Kanahele, Kekino and Willis families met to talk story. Planning for the preservation of family historical sites on Moloka'i and learning more about the island's history were other topics of conversation. Pe'elua was one of the youngest childrenof Kai'akea. All East end families prior to 1900 were in some way related and most if not all were descendants of Kai'akea's children.

Families decided to divide responsibilities and govern the group in the ancient way of 'ohana rule. Elders of eaeh family would lead their own lines and represent their respective families. These elders include Mui Lang Baker, Maka Ahuna, A1 Keli'inui, Jack Bishaw, Ku'uipo Woolsey, Frances Linken, Lilia Hale, Jesse Pe'elua, Charles Nakagawa, Joe Nakagawa, Emma Baker, Koko Willis, Herman Kanahele and Theodore Mahiai. The ohana is also planning a Christmas party in December at Kunia gym on Oahu and a camping trip is on the schedule for February at asite yet to be determined. Kupuna will be telling stories and sharing their crafts with the young.