Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 10, 1 October 1987 — Mai Wakinekona [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Mai Wakinekona
Congress returned from its month-long summer recess Sept. 9 to what may be a long and chaotic fall or even winter session. Deep differences exist between the political parties, and between Congress and the White House over major issues whieh include the confirmation of Judge Robert H. Bork to the
United btates bupreme Court, Central Amenea, the Persian Gulf, trade policy and arms control — all within an increasingly intense atmosphere of the 1988 eleetions. The fall congressional session will also be important for Hawaiians, specifically for Hawaiian youth and Hawaiian senior citizens. The two important bills that include significant Hawaiian provisions are: 1. H.R. 5, the School lmprovement Act of 1987, passed the House of Representatives on May 2 1 and has been referred to the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources. Senator Kennedy is chairman of that committee and Senator Matsunaga is a member.