Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 10, 1 October 1987 — Hoʻolako Golf Tourneys Oct. 17-18 on Molokaʻi [ARTICLE]
Hoʻolako Golf Tourneys Oct. 17-18 on Molokaʻi
A Ho'olako 1987: Year of the Hawaiian golf tournament to benefit the Moloka'i High and Intermediate School junior golf program is scheduled Oct. 17-18 at the Kaluakoi Hotel and Golf Course. A get-acquainted aloha buffet is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 16, in the hotel's Hoaloha Room. Cost of the optional affair is $20. Teeoff time for the first group on the Saturday, Oct. 17, 18-hole tournament is 7:15 a. m. There isan entry fee of $15 whieh includes fefreshments, sandwiches, pupus and other goodies. The cost for cart and green fee is $30. Prizes will be awarded for par 3's, low gross, low net and other categories. Competition will be in A, B and C divisions plus callaway. There will be an awards ceremony shortly after the final scores are tabulated and an optional buffet dinner at $20 will follow. The Sunday , Oct . 18, tournament, whieh tees off at 9 a. m. , is a four-man mixed team scramble affair with a $6 entry fee and green fee and cart at $30. There will be cash prizes for the first three places and par 3's team awards. For full particulars and information, write to Tournament Chairman Louis Hao at P. O. Box 152, Kaunakakai, Hawaii %748. You may also eall the Office of Hawaiian Affairs on Moloka'i, 553-3611 or 553-3221. Deadline for entries is Oct. 10. Hao, who is also the OHA T rustee from Moloka'i and vice chairman of the Board of T rustees, promises lots of fun and entertainment.