Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 10, 1 October 1987 — OHA Kupuna Workshop Dates Announced [ARTICLE]
OHA Kupuna Workshop Dates Announced
Remaining dates for kupuna workshops sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs have been announced by Community Kupuna Coordinator Betty Kawohiokalani Ellis Jenkins. All sessions are scheduled for the OHA Honolulu conference room on the 15th floor of the PanAm Building, 1600 Kapiolani Blvd. Telephone 946-2642 or 5488960 for the times. Jenkins will be assisted by two Hawaii kupuna who have been working with her during the year. They are Pearl Ululani Kanakaole Garmon of Kamuela and Maile Lum Ho Vargo of Hilo. Both kupuna serve as resource teachers with the Department of Education kupuna program. The workshop schedule, including topic matters, follows. Oct. 9 — Pohaku (stone). Nov. 6 — Mele and oli (music and chant). Jan. 8 — Ka ulu wehi o ke kai (limu). Feb. 12 — Mo'olelo. Mar. 11 — Mo'oku'auhau (genealogy). Apr. 15-16 — OHA Kupuna Spectacular.