Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1987 — Third Annual Polynesian Competition [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Third Annual Polynesian Competition
Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia Festival Winner
By Kenny Haina, Editor Ka Wai Ola O OHA Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia of Waipahu, whieh swept first plaee honors in the second annual Keiki Tahiti Fete last March at St. Louis High School's Stephen McCabe gymnasium, onee more amassed the biggest point totals to win overall honors in the Third Annual Polynesian Festival Sept. 13 at Kamehameha Schools' Kekuhaupi'o Fieldhouse. The Festival, whieh started almost an hour late (50 minutes to be exact), was nonetheless another outstanding competition among six hula studios. It was a celebration noting the beauty of the Tahitian and Samoan knife dances and Tahitian drumming. It was also the annual fund raiser for Kumu Hula Aloha Dalire's Keolalaulani Halau Olapa 'O Laka of Kaneohe and featured arts and crafts exhibitors with their Polynesian products and specially-designed T-shirts, art works, etchings, stained glass and mueh more. As it was with the Queen Lili'uokalani Keiki Hula Festival three weeks before, the more than 2,000 spectators spent virtually just as mueh time fanning themselves with fans they brought or with anything in sight to fight off the heat and humidity of Kekuhaupi'o as the contestants were shaking 'em up to the delight of an appreciative audience. Contestants, however, kept their poise and in the end it was the Waipahu halau whieh grabbed most of the first plaee offerings. The group is directed by the brother and sister twin team of Dennis Kia and Denise Kia Ramento. In the overall results, Kahealani Tiare Apetahi of Kaneohe, under Kahealani Morton and Kahealani Silva, finished second behind Aloha Pumehana, and Te Vai Ura Nui of Manoa, under Charles and Cathy Temehana, was third plaee finisher. Competition was held in both solo and group in five divisions: Division I, age 13 — 16; Division II, ages 17 — 20; Division III, age 21 and over; Senior Division, professional and previous winners; and Junior Division for new entries and non-professionals. Vise Vitale of Kahealani's took the nifo ote or knife dancing title while Aloha Pumehana finished seven points better than Kahealani's (732 to 725) to take the drumming first plaee award whieh was personally presented by Cioci Dalire, Festival director and the person who conceived the idea of such a competition. Dalire himself is a professional knife dancing performer. The competition was preceded by exhibition performances from 1986 solo winners Kahealani Silva and Heirani Chevrier. Jay Kobayashi, who has won the solo tane senior division of the Kaleponi Tahiti Fete in San Francisco for the past nine years, also exhibited his winning form in a special performance. Despite some logistical delays whieh added to the overall length of the day's program, K59 Radio Deejay Kimo Kahoano, an entertainer in his own right, kept things flowing in his capacity as master of ceremonies. He was assisted by Aloha Dalire.
Toni Wong, who serves as publicist for the sponsoring halau and just about everything else, was of tremendous assistance to this newspaper. Herewith are the results as provided by Wong. SOLO Tanc I — 1. Wiiliam Gualdarama, Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia. Tanc II — 1. Joseph Irgata, Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia. 2. Honu Boro, Atooi Marama. 3. Sam Ma'ata, Kahealani's Tiare Apetahi.
Tane III — 1. Adam Kenagy, Te Vai Ura Nui. 2. Sui Mulivai, Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia. 3. Lui Patolo III, Kahealani's Tiare Apetahi. Vahine I — 1. Robyn Kia, Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia. 2. Pohai Perlata, Atooi Marama. 3. Mikela Lau, Kahealani's Tiare Apetahi. Vahine II— 1. Jaydine Kang, Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia. 2. Kaleinani Aceret, Atooi Marama. 3. Maeva Goo, Te Vai Ura Nui. Vahine III— 1. Kau'i Ko, Te Vai Ura Nui. 2. Kelly Heaukulani, Abha Pumehana O Polynesia. 3. Madonna Aloha Keohokapu, Kahealani's Tiare Apetahi. GROUP OTEA
1. Kahealani's Tiare Apetahi. 2. Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia. 3. Te Vai Ura Nui. DRUMMING 1. Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia. 2. Kahealani's Tiare Apetahi. 3. Te Vai Ura Nui. NIFO OTE 1. Vise Vitale, Kahealani's Tare Apetahi. OVERALL 1. Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia, 8,302 points. 2. Kahealani's Tiare Apetahi, 6,613. 3. Te Vai Ura Nui, 5,970.
Cfoci Dalire, left, is gratefully acknowledged for drumming award by winners Denise Kia Ramento and twin brother Dennis Kia, right. They are the kumu hula and directors of Aloha Pumehana O Polynesia, a Waipahu halau.
Members of Kahealani Tiare Apetahi of Kaneohe in their flrst plaee group otea performance.