Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1987 — Fashion, Song, Dance Accented in Ka'iulani Children's Benefit Show [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Fashion, Song, Dance Accented in Ka'iulani Children's Benefit Show

'Ahahui Ka'iulani, under the umbrella of Kawena Corporation, is presenting the life story of Princess Ka'iulani through fashion, song and dance on Saturday, Oct. 10, at 7 p. m. in the Richard Mamiya Theatre on the St. Louis High School campus. This is a benefit for children needing cleft palate, cleft lip surgery and speech therapy after surgery. A pre-sale donation of $10 is being asked for eaeh adult ticket and $5 for children under 10. Donation at the door is $12.50 and $7.50, respectively. Donations are tax deductible. Full details are available by calling 955-0050. 'Ahahui Ka'iulani was officially established Sept. 18, 1975, to honor Princess Ka'iulani. It was founded Oct. 1, 1975 by Auntie Bina Mossman and Auntie Maiki Aiu Lake and chartered May 14, 1976, as a non-profit, eleemosynary organization. Purposes of the 'Ahahui are to: • Help the young of Hawaii with learning disabilities. • Perpetuate the Hawaiian heritage. • Provide eonhnual research into every aspect of the

Hawaiian culture. • Unite the members in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding regardless of ethnic background. Officers are Coline Aiu Ferranti, president; Napualani Wong, vice president; Clayton Au, treasurer; Mary Sueoka, recording secretary; Martha Mendiola, corresponding secretary; and directors Bina Chun, Mealii Kalama and Lee Mann. The Oct. 10 presentation is titled, "Memoirs of Ka'iulani: An Island Princess."