Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1987 — In Celebration of the Year of the Hawaiian [ARTICLE]
In Celebration of the Year of the Hawaiian
Hawaiians in Politics WeekScheduled Nov. 1-7
In recognition of being the first elected Hawaiian governor since statehood and in conjunction with a week-Iong observance of Hawaiians in politics Nov. 1-7, the Hawaiian Civic Political Action Committee (HACPAC) presented a ho'okupu Sept. 15 to Governor John David Waihe'e III at the state capitol. Fred Cachola Jr., HACPAC chairman, presented a koa poi pounder wrapped in the traditional ti leaf. Waihe'e expressed mueh appreciation over the gift and the thoughts expressed by Cachola. The simple ceremony was witnessed by the board of directors of HACPAC. HACPAC's Hawaiians in Politics Week is an observanee held in conjunction with the celebration of Ho'olako 1987: the Year of the Hawaiian. The political voice of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs will honor Hawaiians who have been or are in politics. A series of events are planned for the week whieh will be climaxed Nov. 7 with the awarding of the Lei Hulu Mamo award at a Hawaiian buffet dinner at the Queen Kapiolani Hotel. Nominations for the award are now open and must be mailed to committee chairperson Toni Lee, in care of HACPAC, P. O. Box 1162, Aiea, Hawaii, 96701, by Oct. 30. The following criteria has been established by the HACPAC committee: • The nominee must be Hawaiian. • He or she must be living. • The nominee may or may not be currently in office. • List why you feel your candidate deserves this award. • List your candidate's major accomplishments. • Relatives of the selection committee are not eligible. The week-long observance kicks off Sunday, Nov. 1, with an old time political rally starting at 11:30 a. m. at Thomas Square. There will be entertainment and
speakers. H. K. Bruss Keppeler and John Kamalani are in charge. Other events: Monday, Nov. 2 — Conference on "Hawaiians Right to Sue" at State Capitol Conference Room 6. Hosted by Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation. Call NHLC, 5212302, for time. Tuesday, Nov. 3—12 noon, University of Hawaii and the Hawaiian Community, UH Campus Center. Hosted by UH Hawaiian Studies Center. Wednesday, Nov. 4 — Open (Kamehameha Schools Year of the Hawaiian and 100th anniversary observance. Thursday, Nov. 5—11:30 a. m., luneheon at Flamingo Chuckwagon. Hosts: Hawaiian Business/ Professional Association and Hawaiian Junior Chamber of Commerce. Thursday, Nov. 5 — 7 p. m., "Future Contribution of Hawaii's Political Parties to the Hawaiian Community." Host: UH Political Science Department. Friday, Nov. 6—9 a. m., Lecture series on: (1) Ceded Land Trust Funds and (2) Preservation of Hawaiian Historic Sites. State Capitol Conference Room 6. Host: Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Friday, Nov. 6—6 p. m., Dialogue Show featuring Hawaiian subjects, KHET-TV Channels 10, 11. Saturday, Nov. 7 — 8:30 a. m. , Conference "Running to Win," hosted by League of Women Voters, UH Campus Center. Saturday, Nov. 7 — 5:30 p. m., Lei Hulu Mamo Award Hawaiian buffet dinner, Queen Kapiolani Hotel. Those wishing to attend the Lei Hulu Mamo Award dinner may make reservations by using the convenient form appearing with this story. Dates, locations, times and subject matters may change. You are advised to eall the host organizations to confirm.