Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1987 — No Hui ʻAna '87 by Museum, Kamehameha [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

No Hui ʻAna '87 by Museum, Kamehameha

"Hui 'Ana: A Hawaiian Celebration," will not be repeated this year. The two-day celebrations in October, 1986, were a pioneer collaboration between Bishop Museum and the Kamehameha Schools Association of Teachers and Parents (ATP), replacingtheir respective annual festival and ho'olaule'a. The two have decided to return to their separate ways this year. The Museum will not hold its festival this month as is usually the case. Instead, it will be combined with the Dec. 6 Family Sunday, an affair held the first Sunday of the month with Hawaiian Telephone Company as corporate sponsor. Kamehameha will be holding its ho'olaule'a back on campus at Kapalama Heights on Nov. 14, the same weekend of the 28th annual convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs in Las Vegas, Nev. The Dec. 6 Museum festival will have a Christmas theme in its arts and crafts and displays. There will be entertainment and food booths and a number of yuletide gift items for sale. The Oct. 4 Family Sunday program will highlight the City and County of Honolulu's Department of Parks and Recreation, featuring arts and crafts demonstrations, entertainment and games. There will also be food booths. The Nov. 1 Family Sunday program will feature the Hawaii Pau' Riders Association. All Family Sundays begin at 9 a.m. and admission is free to Hawaii residents with proper identification. The exhibits are also admission-free. It was announced by Museum officials that the planetarium was scheduled to be closed in October for renovations, including the installation of new carpeting and a sound system.