Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 9, 1 September 1987 — Alemanaka o Hanana [ARTICLE]
Alemanaka o Hanana
Editor's Note: Ka Wai Ola O OHA welcomes Hawaiian organizations and others to submit a schedule of their meetings and activities to this calendar of events. Copy deadline is the 15th of eaeh month for the upcoming issue. Send to: Editor, Ka Wai Ola O OHA, 1600 Kapiolani Blvd.,Suite 1500, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814. Telephones 5488960 and 946-2642.
KEPAKEMAPA Sept. 2 — 9 a.m., Queen Lili'uokalani's 149th anniversary services, Mauna 'Ala, Queen Lili'uokalani Trust and Children's Center. Sept. 3—1:30 p.m., Office of Hawaiian Affairs Operations and Development Committee, OHA conference room. Sept. 3 — 7 p.m., Royal Order of Kamehameha, Beretania Neighborhood Community Center; Women's Auxiliary, Maemae Church. Sept. 5—9 a.m., Hike Wa'ahila Ridge Traii with Frank Conkey. Experienced hikers only. Meet at Hawai'i Nature Center, Makiki, telephone 942-0990.
Sept. 6 — 9 a.m., Bishop Museum Family Sunday, free admission, courtesy Hawaiian Telephone Company. Sept. 8—6:30 p.m., Koolauloa Hawaiian Civic Club Na Mea Hawaii series, CYO Camp Hau'ula. Sept. 10 — 1:30 p.m., Office of Hawaiian Affairs External Affairs Committee, OHA conference room. Sept. 13 — 11 a.m., Third Annual Polynesian Dance Festival Comf>etition, Kekuhaupi'o Fieldhouse, Kamehameha School; 10 a.m., Hawaiian and Polynesian crafts fair outside building. Sept. 15—7 p.m., King Kamehameha Hawaiian Civic Club board of directors, St. Peter's Church Hall. Sept. 15 — 7 p.m., Koolauloa Hawaiian Civic Club general membership meeting, CYO Camp Hau'ula. Sept. 17 — 7 p.m., Royal Order of Kamehameha and Women's Auxiliary, Beretania Neighborhood Community Center. Sept. 17 — 7:30 p.m., Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club, Aiea Librarv.
Sept. 18-27 — Aloha Week Festivals, all islands. Sept. 18 — 7 p.m., Office of Hawaiian Affairs community meeting, Moloka'i. Sept. 19 — 9 a.m., Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, Moloka'i. Sept. 19 — 9 a.m., Hike Pu'u Ohia Trail with Maura 0'Connor, telephone 942-0990. Meet at Hawai'i Nature Center. Sept. 20 — 10 a.m., Na Ohana Nu Hui Wa'a Maunalua — Diamond Head eanoe regatta. Sept. 22 — 6:30 p.m., Koolauloa Hawaiian Civic Club Na Mea Hawaii Series, CYO Camp Hau'ula. Sept. 26 — 9 a.m. Aloha Week Floral Parade, Oahu. Sept. 26 — 9 a.m. Leam how to make seed leis with Aunty Elaine Mullaney, Hawai'i Nature Center, Makiki, telephone 942-0990. Sept. 27 — Moloka'i-Oahu women's eanoe race, Na Ohana Na Hui
*He 'Onipa'a, from p 2 T rustees that this was an unfair exchange land-wise and the loss of one quarter of a million dollars annually , plus $53,000 a year OFfA was receiving for Shafter Flats (as it was ceded lands). This huge loss of land and one quarter of a million dollars at a time of mueh suffering socially, health and otherwise amongst the Hawaiian people was appalling. Since 1984, the airport land exchanges has been on hold at the Department of Interior . . . until recently.
You should know OHA recently learned that Ilima Pi'ianai'a and DHHL had settled the airport land exchange. For over a month, OHA's staff has been trying to get details of this settlement but to no avail. No one consulted with OHA about any settlement, yet we lost $53,000 yearly in that exchange. Can you imagine how many Hawaiian homes could be built yearly with that $250,000 loss of revenue? Many of the Shafter Flat leases are to be re-negotiated this year. It will be interesting to see if the increase in lease rentals will be "fair market value" to native Hawaiians through DHHL. Many Shafter Flats leases have been low for decades, we Hawaiians cannot afford to be cheated any longer whether in low DHHL lease fees or non-payment to OHA of our 20 percent share of ceded land revenues. For there, too, we are being denied our financial right.
Fair is fair, and when this Trustee calls "foul", I sometimes receive static and get charged for being "negative" or having an un-aloha attitude. Pure Shibai!!! It is because of my aloha for our people and 'aina that I will not remain silent when I see an unust act perpetuated against our long suffering nation. I am positive about justice, pro-Hawaiian, positive about native rights and positive about aloha 'aina. I am also pro- in favor of non-Hawaiian individuals who have eome to love and defend the integrity and honor of this 'aina. Here I stand. I am not being negative, I am just pointing out the negative acts that are being committed against our 'aina and people!! Aloha is contingent on one's respect for Hawaiian values. For me to ignore the truth is a negative. Sitting back and allowing the continued subjugation of the Hawaiian people while the few benefit is "anti-aloha." Our culture, the aloha spirit and our 'aina are being sold as a commodity to the tourist and foreign investors as the Hawaiian people and 'aina become endanqered species.
Kamehameha III said in 1843, "Ua mau ke ea o ka 'aina i ka pono," and recently Prince Phillip while visiting us "warned about destroying our precious 'aina and killing the goose that gives the golden egg . . . cause the tourist won't eome if you destroy the unique beauty of these isles". The future depends on our decisions today. He 'onipa'a ka 'oia 'i'o (truth is not changeable). Malama pono!
Wa'a. OKAKOPA Oct. 1 — 1:30 p.m., Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Operations anel Development Committee, OHA Honolulu conference room. Oct. 1 — 7 p.m., Royal Orderof Kamehameha, Beretania Neighborhood Community Center; Women's Auxiliary, Maemae Church. Oct. 3 — 10 a.m., Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center 15th anniversary celebration. Oct. 5 — 10 a.m., 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu, Kawaiaha'o Church. Oct. 5—7 p.m., Oahu District Council, Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs board meeting, Ala Moana Americana Hotel. Oct. 8— 1:30 p.m., Officeof Hawaiian Affairs, External Affairs Committee, OHA Honolulu conference room. Oct. 10 — 9 a.m., Oahu District Council, Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, Moanalua Gardens. Oct. 10 — 9 a.m., Moloka'i Aloha Week Parade, Kaunakakai. Oct. 11 — 8 a.m., special services honoring Princess Ka'iulani, St. Andrews Cathedral.
Oct. 11 — 10 a.m. , Ali'i Sunday services honoring Princess Ka'iulani, Kawaiaha'o Church. Oct. 11 — 11 a.m., Lehua Dance Company fashion show and eoncert, Sheraton Waikiki Ballroom. Oct. 13 — 6:30 p.m., Koolauloa Hawaiian Civic Club Na Mea Hawaii Series, CYO Camp Hau'ula. Oct. 15—7:30 p.m., Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club, Aiea Library. Oct. 16 — 5 p.m., Princess Ka'iulani birthday anniversary, Mauna 'Ala.
Oct. 20 — 7 p.m., Koolauloa Hawaiian Civic Club general membership meeting, CYO Camp Hau'ula. Oct. 20 — 7 p.m., King Kamehameha Hawaiian Civic Club board meeting, St. Peter's Church Hall. Oct. 22—7 p.m., Royal Order of Kamehameha and Women's Auxiliary, Beretania Neighborhood Community Center. Oct. 26 — 7 p.m., King Kamehameha Hawaiian Civic Club general membership meeting, St. Peter's Church Hall. Oct. 27—6:30 p.m., Koolauloa Hawaiian Civic Club Na Mea Hawaii Series, CYO Camp Hau'ula. Oct. 30 — 7 p.m., Office of Hawaiian Affairs community meeting, Hotel King Kamehameha, Kailua-Kona. Oct. 31 — 9:30 a.m., Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees meeting, Hotel King Kamehameha, Kailua-Kona.