Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1987 — Kupuna May Adopt Pets Through New Program [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kupuna May Adopt Pets Through New Program

Hawaiian senior citizens age 60 and over who have been yearning to adopt a pet from the Hawaiian Humane Society but couldn't afford certain expenses may be happy to know that the Ralston Purina Company has eome to your assistance. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will assist the company in seeking out elderly Hawaiians on Oahu only. Those who have been unable to go to and from the Society's headquarters to select and adopt a pet need only telephone OHA at 946-2642 and an applieahon form will be mailed to you. When the application is returned, an appointment will be made to assist you in adopting your new friend.

In Ralston Purina's Hanaiahuhu O Na Kupuna program, they will cover the cost for an animal's shots and neutering; provide water and food dishes with a starter five-pound bag of food; and provide a collar and leash for dogs. Since this is a new program, it is only available on Oahu. Studies have shown that the health of senior citizens, both mental and physical, often improves when they adopt a pet. It has also been shown that stroking a pet helps reduce stress and lower high blood pressure. Assisting in this program is OHA's Human Services Division headed by Samuel (Kamuela) Apuna.