Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 9, 1 September 1987 — Burgess Again Named WCIP Vice President [ARTICLE]
Burgess Again Named WCIP Vice President
Hayden F. Burgess (Poka Laenui), former Trustee of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, has onee more been selected international advocate for the World Oouneil of Indigenous Peoples following a meeting of the Fifth General Assembly in Lima, Peru, in July.
In essence, Burgess was reelected as WCIP vice president of the Pacific and Asia, North America and Scandinavia regions. He operates from the WCIP Hawaii office at 1111 Bishop St., Suite 500. Other WCIP officers are Donald Rojas Maroto of Costa Rica, president; and Jorge Valiente, vice president of the Spanish-speaking areas.