Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 9, 1 September 1987 — Waianae Health Center to Mark 15th Anniversary [ARTICLE]

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Waianae Health Center to Mark 15th Anniversary

"Ke Ola Ka Hana A Ke Aloha (Health is Aloha in Action)" is the theme for a celebration marking 15 years of steady growth by the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center scheduled for 10 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 3.

"We feel this theme isparticularly significant because it reflects the Aloha spirit whieh has eome from so many people. And in the Year of the Hawaiian, Ho'olako 1987, it also reflects the fact that WCCHC has become the largest single provider of medical care to the Hawaiian and part Hawaiian community," explains Merrie Aipoalani, president of the WCCHC board of directors, erstwhile Leeward community leader, legislative aide to Councilman John DeSoto and coordinator of the celebration program.

Other officers are Charles Wothke, vice president; Kathryn Kahaleoumi, secretary; DeWitt Barnett, treasurer; and Kermit Brown, ex-officio. Miehael D. Tweedell, M.P.H., is the administrator. Aipoalani said there will be speeches, entertainment, tours of the center and booths displaying the various services offered by the center. During the program,

founders and staff members will be recognized and honored and awards will be presented. Recognition also will be given to those people who contributed to the community-owned and operated facility over the years. "These people have contributed so mueh to our progress and like the theme of Ho'olako 1987, we have indeed become enriched by their efforts," Aipoalani said.