Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 9, 1 September 1987 — Queen Emma Gallery Reaches Milestone [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Queen Emma Gallery Reaches Milestone

lnmates' Talents, Art Accomplishments Accented

By Kenny Haina, Editor Ka Wai Ola O OHA "From adversity comes triumph. Congratulations!" writes a doctor from the Queen's Medical Center. "An emotional experience," is the comment of a visitor from Hoboken, N.J. "Wonderful," is the simple statement of a Spring Valley, N.Y., viewer. "Awesome, good and interesting use of materials. A lot of talent," notes a Kahaluu resident.

These are but a few of the many comments found m the Queen Emma Gallery guest book during the just concluded exhibit of "Na Hana No'eau O Na Pa'ahao" whieh recognized the individual talents and artistic accomplishments of inmates in Hawaii's correctional facilities. The gallery, whieh is located to the right of the main reception desk off the front lobby of the Queen's Medieal Center, features major and emerging island artists whose work could be seen and purchased, thus providing an alternative space as well as serving humanitarian needs. It is observing its 10th anniversary, thanks to a tireless voiunteer named Masa Morioka Taira who has been its director during that entire span. She notes that "it is propitious that the 10th anniversary of the gallery occurs in the same year as Ho'olako 1987: the Year of the Hawaiian. Ho'olako means to enrich or supply. The aim of the Queen Emma Gallery has been to enneh the hospital experience and supply the healing benefits of the arts."

The recent exhibit, whieh ran from July 19 to Aug. 16, featured paintings, collages and sculptures done by inmates, including the works of Conrad Paleka, Hiram Kane, Jeffrey Terry, Anthony Nesbit and Derrick Lopez among others. Paleka will be remembered for his 1986 drawing of Hue Cao, the Waipahu Elementary School student from Vietnam who appeared on national television for her winning essay on Miss Liberty. Paleka has kept in touch with Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee and Ho'olako 1987 President Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaulukukui Sr. who has been an inspiration to the former Moloka'i resident.

"Conrad has found something many are looking for. His work is excellent," a volunteer noted in the guest book. A Kaneohe resident wrote: "Wonderfully done, especially to you Conrad Paleka. I enjoyed your work." "All great! Loved the craftwork, too," proclaimed a La-i Road resident. The recent exhibit illustrated to the general public that through artistic endeavors, people ean go beyond the confines of the institutions they have been placed in and ean, through creative expression and innovative use of materials, contribute positively to the eommunities they eome from and to the society as a whole. "Wonderful! It's refreshing to see such spirit and imagination," a Kailuan writes.

Other descriptives written in the guest book were such one liners as "Awesome," "Unreal," "Terrific," "Stunning," "lmpressive," and "Great." Many of the inmates whose works were on display learned painting and craftwork during their incarceration. They were not exposed to its before. By learning and doing, they perfected their talents. The exhibit was supported by many loeal organizations, including the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Alu Like ine., Arts Council of Hawaii, Association of Hawaiian

Civic Clubs, Ho'olako 1987: Celebrate the Hawaiian, Commission on the Status of Women, Contemporary Arts Center, Department of Corrections, Department of Human Services, Kalihi-Palama Culture and Arts Society, the Kamehameha Schools, Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, QMC Auxiliary and State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.

The Chinese have a saying: "The fifth anniversary is a minor event; the 10th anniversary is a milestone." If this is so, then small but significant Queen Emma Gallery has reached a landmark in bringing art as a therapeutic factor in a hospital setting and enabling another confined group — Hawaii's inmates — to display their talents and artistic accomplishments.

Frolicking Whales done by Conrad Paleka.

Whale sculpture by Derrick Lopez.

Polynesia, paper collage by Anthony Nesbit, top, and Clipper, below, by Hiram Kane.