Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 9, 1 September 1987 — Volunteers Restore Kailua Heiau [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Volunteers Restore Kailua Heiau
By Nanette Napoleon Pumell Director, Cemetery Research Project A centuries-old monument to early Hawaiian engineering prowess and religious dedication, whieh was threatened by a mountain of garbage at the City's Kapa'a landfill in Kailua, is currently in the process of being cleared of years of jungle growth and landfill debris, and will eventually be restored to its full glory as a major Hawaiian archaeological site.
The O ahu Heritage Council, whieh is a coalition of organizations and individuals interested in preserving historic sites, organized two community work days in July to clear the Pahukini heiau site of weeds, small tress and large shrubs whieh had completely overgrown the heiau so that its walls were barely visible. Over 150 enthusiastic volunteers participated in this phase of the project. Most of the work was done with machetes and small hand tools. After the preliminary clearing of the site was eompleted a work crew from the prison eame in with ehain saws to cut down the large java plum and banyan trees whieh had filled the interior. They also cut and cleared a large area of grass and weeds surrounding the outside of the walls.
Now that the site has been cleared, an archaeological mapping will be completed and stabilization plans will be drawn up. The Kailua Business and Professional Women's Club has agreed to "adopt" the heiau and will coordinate future restoration phases of the project. The Kailua Longboarders Association has also volunteered to keep the site elean on a regular long-term basis.
lf you are interested in helping with the Pahukini project, or if you would like to find out how to start a similar "adopt-a-site" project in your area, please eall Ramona Mullahey at 537-9564 or write to P.O. Box 1658, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96806.
Ed Kaohelaulii of Kalihi attacks trees with his cutter.
Volunteers clearing away trees and shrubs in the back of the heiau after finishing the front portion in foreground near fence.
More clearing work is done by this group.