Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 9, 1 September 1987 — Smithsonlan Grants Given to Hawaiians [ARTICLE]

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Smithsonlan Grants Given to Hawaiians

Hokulani Hoit-Padilla of the Maui Historical Society received an award from the Smithsonian Institution to attend a Museum archives workshop in the summer of 1988. Travel funds may also accompany the awards as she has been placed on a waiting list.

According to a letter from Margaret Gaynor, special assistant to the secretary of the Smithsonian, they are "encouraged by the increased interest from Hawaiian museums in the Minority Awards Program. Of the 82 applications received this year, eight were from Hawaii and two of the 23 award recipients are Hawaiians. Keith Arakaki of the Bishop Museum's entomology department and Pauline Sato of Moanalua Gardens Foundation have been offered support to attend a twoweek study program in museum practices."

lhe Ufhce of Hawanan Affairs Culture Division passed on information of these awards and that of the Native American Museums Programs. OHA recommended that loeal museums take advantage of the opportunity. The Maui Historical Society informed OHA it was going to apply for such an award for one of their Hawaiian staff members. Generous and encouraging support also eame from Sen. Spark M. Matsunaga and his Washington, D.C. staff whieh helped with the application. OHA encourages more loeal museums to take advantage of these minority and Native American programs. They are further encouraged to hire and train more Hawaiians within the loeal institutions.