Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 9, 1 September 1987 — Ka Pa Hula Hawaii Grabs Two Kahiko First Places [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Pa Hula Hawaii Grabs Two Kahiko First Places
'No Huhu' Performance Nets First Major Victory
A hula halau trom Honolulu whieh ncver before won first plaee in a major competition eame up with its version of an old standby, "No Huhu," and broke through its non-winning record by walking off with the top award in the combined group category of the auana division in the recent two-night 14th Annual King Kamehameha Hula Competition at the Neal S. Blaisdell Center arena.
Hui O Kamalei, formerly housed right across the street from the Blaisdell Center in the Kapiolani Bowl building, caught the fancy of the large crowd and the judges to win this first ever auana competition. The studio is now located on Kona St., just off Piikoi St. in the Ala Moana district. The victory was a tribute to the intense research done by Kumu Hula Kamalei Sataraka on "No Huhu" and the hard work turned in by her dancers and ohana in perfecting their performance. Hula auana, established for the first time in this year's competition, required eaeh entrant to select from songs popular and written during the 1940s. Costuming and dance style also had to reflect this period of time.
The 14th annual competition opened the first night with 15 competing chanters and 33 traditional or kahiko style dance performances. Those who attended were high in their praise of two evenings of superb entertainment. It was announced by the sponsoring State Council on Hawaiian Heritage that the 1988 competition will again be held at the Blaisdell Center Friday and Saturday, June 24 and 25. Starting times are again 6 p.m. lnterested halau may make inquiries and request application forms by contacting the State Council on Hawaiian Heritage, 355 N. King St. , Honolulu, Hawaii 96817. The telephone number is 536-6540. Entry forms will be available starting next month (October). Because the entire results of the two-night 1987 competition were not carried elsewhere in any media report, Ka Wai Ola O OHA is pleased to announee it. Chanters — 1. Anthony Lenehanko, Ka Pa Hula Hawaii. 2. Kaipo Farias, Halau O Kekuhi, Hilo. 3. Charles Manu Boyd, Halau Na Kamalei.
HULA KAHIKO Female Groups — 1. Ka Pa Hula Hawaii, Kumu Hula John Kaha'i Topolinski. 2. Halau O Na Maoli Pua, Kumu Hula Alieia Smith. 3. Halau O Kekuhi, Na Kumu Hula Nalani Kanaka'ole and Pualani Kanahele. Male Groups — 1. Ka Pa Hula Hawaii, Kumu Hula Topolinski. 2. Ka Ua Kilihune, Kumu Hula A1 Makahinu Barcarse. 3. Hui Ho'oulu Aloha, Kumu Huia Cy Bridges. Combined Groups — 1. Hui Ho'oulu Aloha, Kumu Hula Bridges. 2. Ka Pa Hula O Leianuenue, California, Kumu Hula Mahealani Uchiyama. 3. Hula Halau O Nalua, California, Kumu Hula Ruth Nalua Manaois. Judges: Pat Namaka Bacon, Edith McKinzie, Kalena Silva, Ka'upena Wong. HULA AUANA F«male Groups — 1. Halau O Na Maoli Pua, Kumu
Hula Smith, and Pua Ali'i Ilima, Kumu Hula Victoria Holt Takamine (tie). 2. Hula Hui O Kapunahala, Instructor Carolee Nishii. 3. Halau Mohalallima, Kumu Hula Mapuana deSilva. Male Groups — 1. Halau Na Kamalei, Kumu Hula Robert Uluwehi Cazimero. 2. Keali'ika'apunihonua Ke'ena A'o Hula, Kumu Hula Leimomi Ho. 3. Hui Ho'oulu Aloha, Kumu Hula Bridges. Combined Groups — 1. Hui O Kamalei, Kumu Hula Kamalei Sataraka. 2. Na Hula O Puamana, Kumu Hula
Puluelo Naipo Park. 3. The Gentlemen of Maluikeao and the Ladies of Kahanakealoha, Kumu Hula Palani Kahala. Judges: Leilani Alama, Sally Wood Naluai, Tootsie Notley Steer, Kent Ghirard. Musicians: Makaha Sons of Ni'ihau; Brothers Cazimero; Nina Kealiiwahamana, Bill Cazimero and many more. These musicians backed up the hula dancers and their performances alone were worth the modest price of admission. — KSH
Nani'ipo Miller, foreground, and other dancers of Hui O Kamalei, display winning form.
Kumu Hula Mahealani Uchiyama, who also speaks fluent Hawaiian, is pictured at far right flashing shaka sign with members of her Hui Pa Hula O Leianuenue of San Leandro, Calif.
Hui O Kamalei dancers in "No Huhu" performance as Chinese dragon looks in.
Another California halau, this one from Fremont under Kumu Hula Ruth Nalua Leuek Manaois, dance to third plaee finish in combined Kahiko Division.