Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1987 — Kamuela's Mehau 'Loves to Draw' [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kamuela's Mehau 'Loves to Draw'
By Kenny Haina, Editor Ka Wai Ola O OHA Young Hawaiian artist Thomas O'o Mehau of Kamuela, Waimea, a 1977 graduate of the Kamehameha Schools who received his degree in art in 1981 from Colorado College in Colorado Springs, says he doesn't remember a time when he didn't do any drawing. Mehau, youngest of the five children of Larry and Beverly Mehau, adds that he has had pen and ink "ever since I ean remember."
"When I was a kid growing up I was always drawing. 1 just love to draw," the young artist declared. He has turned this passion into a view and sell exhibit for his very first Oahu showing currently available at the Chinatown showroom of the Ramsay Galleries, 1128 Smith St. He has 24 of his pen and ink drawings on view at Ramsay, some of whieh are for sale. There is one titled, "Self Portrait with Chicken," whieh is shown with this story. Mehau has had two non-commercial exhibits before displaying his talents in Honolulu. The first was during
his senior year in college. It was the school's version of a term paper. Another was held last year in a small Kamuela gallery. His drawings are "illustrations of ideas" whieh he puts on paper. "I see a picture or scene in my mind and I try to put it on paper," Mehau declared. He also pens what he describes as "visual jokes."
More than 150 guests, including many leading citizens in the community, were in attendance at an opening reception for the young artist July 6 at the gallery. Mehau accepted congratulations, leis and gifts. When he's not with pen and ink, the artist and his older brother, Mike, work the family's sprawling Waimea ranch. Another brother, Tim, works for Hawaiian Airlines on Maui. There are two sisters — Dana MehauVericella of Honolulu and Anela Mehau, Delta Airlines flight attendant based out of St. Lake City, Utah. Tom 28, was married last September to Irene Lacy. Dana works with dad who owns Hawaii Protective Association, one of the state's largest security services.
Ist and Young Tom Mehau greets Senate Presldent Richard S.H. Wong.