Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 8, 1 August 1987 — Makiki Center Gets National Recognition [ARTICLE]
Makiki Center Gets National Recognition
The Hawai'i Nature Center in Makiki has been officially recognized as the only national winner from Hawaii in the "Take Pride in America" campaign. It is one of only 38 winners nationally out of more than 500 nominations and it was also one of only three nationwide winners in the education category. The campaign was a combined effort of the U.S. Departments of Interior, Agriculture, Army Corps of Engineers, Commerce and Education. The Environmental Protection Agency and other public and private organizations also worked with the departments to promote a greater awareness and wise stewardship of public lands.
Chevron USA ine., longtime friend and supporter of the Center, hosted a special recognition ceremony July 7 during whieh time Governor John David Waihee III praised the Nature Center's efforts to educate the ehildren of Hawaii about the special environment of our island state and why it must be preserved. He said that more than 10,000 people a year, mostly children, visit the center at almost no cost to the state. The non-profit organization is located on state land and uses facilities provided and maintained by the State Department of Land and Natural Resources.
William raty, 1JLINK chairman; Kobert White, Nature Center board chairman; and Tamar Chotzen, executive director of the Center, also were recognized for their contributions to the Center and its nahonal award. The Center is a non-profit nature education organization whieh uses the natural environment as a "museum without walls." It has only two full-time staff members assisted by a corps of dedicated volunteers who work closely with the State Department of Education in educating Hawaii's youngsters, givingthem an appreciation of nature and the importance of protecting Hawaii's natural environment. The 38 award winners met with President Reagan July 21 in the Rose Garden in a special presentation ceremony.