Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1987 — Punana Leo's Hoʻomalu 1987 Set July 26 [ARTICLE]
Punana Leo's Hoʻomalu 1987 Set July 26
Puanana Leo O Honolulu, headquartered in Kalihi, is presenting"Ho'omalu 1987," at 5:30 p. m., Sunday, July 26 at the Waikiki Shell with an outstanding array of talent. The keikis themselves will be performing along with Hula Halau Olana, Waimapuna, Olomana, Frank Hewett and Kuhai Halau O Kawaikapuokalani Pa Olapa Kahiko, Par 3, 3 Scoops of Aloha, Peter Moon Band, Steve and Theresa and Makaha Sons of Ni'ihau. Tickets will be on sale at the Neal Shaw Blaisdell Arena box office July 13-26 at $12 for reserved seating, $10 adults (grass presale) and $6 for children 5-12. Tickets at the door will be $12 for all seats and $6 for
children. Punana Leo is a viable Hawaiian language preschool dedicated to the preservation of the language through and for the keiki of Hawaii. Two kaikamahine graduated last year from Punana Leo O Honolulu and entered an English-speaking public school. Today, they continue to speak Hawaiian with the same fluency and ease. There are currently 45 keiki experiencing the Hawaiian language through daily total immersion at the Punana Leo on Hawaii, Kauai and in Honolulu. "Ho'omalu 1987," is a means of raising financial support for E ola ka 'olelo Hawaii (let the Hawaiian language live) through these keikis.