Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1987 — Kauaʻi Commission Calls First Historic Meeting [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kauaʻi Commission Calls First Historic Meeting

Kaua'i County made history when the first meeting of the Kaua'i County Historic Review Commission was held recently. This is the only county in the state so far to have received certification as a "Certified Loeal Government." The National Preservation Act established a nationwide program of financial and technical assistance to preserve historic properties — buildings, structures, sites, neighborhoods and other places of importance in the historical and cultural life of the nation. A loeal government ean participate directly in this program when the State Historic Preservation Officer certifies that the loeal government has established its own historic preservation commission and program meeting Federal and State standards. Historic Preservation commissioners include Sylvia Dobry, Gerald K. Ida, Aletha G. Kaohi, Miehael H. Kido, Barnes Riznik, Carmen L. Panui, Alan T. Sanborn, Juliet Rice Wiehman and William Kikuehi. Panui is Community Resource Specialist for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs on Kaua'i. According to Ordinance No. 496, establishing the Kaua'i Historic Preservation Review Commission, the Mayor shall designate one of the members of the HPR Commission to serve as the initial chairman and one to serve as the initial vice-chairman, eaeh to serve for a period of one year. Thereafter the HPR Commission shall elect its own officers on a yearly basis. The first priority for the new commission will be to have an island wide inventory of historic resources prepared and then to develop criteria for the management of those resources.