Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 6, 1 Iune 1987 — ʻAha Puhala Conference Set for Hilo in August [ARTICLE]
ʻAha Puhala Conference Set for Hilo in August
'Aha Puhala ine. will be holding its fifth annual lauhala weaving conference Aug. 19-22 at the Waiakea Villas, 400 Hualani St., Hilo. Instructors and artisans will be master weavers from Hawaii with Minnie Kaawaloa, who recent!y retumed from the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. as Hawaii's representative in fibre crafts, as the featured artisan. According to 'Aha Puhala President Charles Gumapac, the conference will be held in the Keaukaha and Kupuna Rooms at the Villas. It is open to all weavers from beginners to masters. Those interested in participating in the 1987 conference ean get full details from ōumapae at 219 Punahele St., Hilo, Hawaii 96720. He may also be reached by telephone at 969-1794.