Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 6, 1 Iune 1987 — Kamehameha Luʻau Will Have Centennial Gift [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kamehameha Luʻau Will Have Centennial Gift
A special 'aha'aina (lu'au' targeted for 5,000 people has been scheduled by the Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate for 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 10, at the Neal Shaw Blaisdell Exhibition Hall in observance of the schools' 100th anniversary. A buffet of traditional Hawaiian food will be featured and entertainment will include a lineup of the schools' alumni, including Mahiai Beamer (1946), Robert (1967) and Roland Cazimero (1968), Noland (Brother Noland) Conjugacion (1975), Anthony Conjugacion (1979), Don Ho (1949), George Paoa (1952), Palani Vaughan (1962), Marlene Sai (1959) and Jerry Santos (1969). KCCN Hawaiian Radio's Brickwood Galuteria (1973) will be the master of ceremonies. The 'aha'aina will also feature a mini marketplace where special centennial mementos may be purchased. The public is invited to this unique event.
Everyone who attends will be given a beautiful eentennial key ehain of gold tone metal inlaid with blue enamel created especially for the 'aha'aina. Tickets are $20 per person (sorry, no children's prices). Proceeds go to the Kamehameha Schools Alumni Association scholarship fund. The menu includes kalua pig, lomi saimon, barbecue beef, poke, pipikaula, squid lu'au, ehieken long rice, sweet potato, haupia, pineapple, kulolo, poi, eake and fruit puneh. For full detai!s on the 'aha'aina and other centennial activities, telephone Marlene Sai Cockett or Kaleinani Brown at 842-8680 or 842-8681.