Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 6, 1 June 1987 — Handsome Hoʻolako Coins Available as Fundraiser [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Handsome Hoʻolako Coins Available as Fundraiser
The Royal Hawaiian Mint is celebrating the Year of the Hawaiian by issuing a set of Ho'olako Commemorative coins and jewelry. And true to the spirit of mutual enrichment symbolized by Ho'olako, is making the rare offer of selling the coins wholesale to interested Hawaiian organizatibns for fundraising resale. Exclusive agent for the Mint is Kina'u Boyd Kamali'i. "When they explained that the Mint wanted to 'give back' to the Hawaiian community by making the coins available as a fundraiser for Civic Club scholarships, hula halau travel, or any other group need — I was excited," Mrs. Kamali'i said.
The coins are available in either the "Dala" (similar to a silver dollar) or "Umi" (slightly smaller than a quarter) size. Available in bronze, silver, or gold, thecoins depict the Ho'olako logo designed by Momi Cazimero and a ehoiee of Kamehameha the Great, King Kalakaua or Queen Lili'uokalani on the obverse. The wholesa!e cost of the coins reflect current prices on the gold and silver markets. However, the Mint estimates that the wholesale price will remain at about half of the recommended retail price. If your club wants more information, eall Kina'u at 941-4946.
This is one of the Ho'olako commemorative coins available for fundraising by Hawaiian organizations.