Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 5, 1 Mei 1987 — Kaulukukui Named to PRAISE Hall of Fame [ARTICLE]
Kaulukukui Named to PRAISE Hall of Fame
Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee and Ho'olako 1987 President Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaulukukui Sr. has been selected by the State Department of Education as its third inductee into the PRAISE Hall of Fame whieh honors those public school graduates who have been successful in their chosen careers and who have contributed outstanding services to the State and the nation. PRA1SE (Program for Recognizing Academic Interests and Student Excellence) is conducted by the DOE to provide a showcase for the students' many achievements in all fields of study. The department's third annual PRAISE will be held May 7-8 at Kilauea Recreation Center adjacent to Kaimuki Intermediate School. Kaulukukui will be inducted into the PRAISE Hall of Fame during brief opening ceremonies scheduled for 9 a.m. Thursday, May 7. A display about Kaulukukui, his work and his activities will be created and exhibited "so that our students may get to know you better," writes DOE Superintendent Charles T. Toguchi. "We are pleased to recognize a Hilo High School graduate who has made such important contributions to the University of Hawai'i, Physical Education and Health Department, and to the youth programs throughout Hawai'i,"Toguchi added. "It is befitting you have been chosen in the Year of the Hawaiian, joining the late and honored Lt. Col. Elison Onizuka, USAF, and the Honorable Marie N. Milks, Judge, Circuit Court," the DOE head further noted.