Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 5, 1 Mei 1987 — OHA Committees Down to Three [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Committees Down to Three

The number of standing committees in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs has been reduced from five to three following action of the Board of T rustees at its March 20 meeting in Honolulu. A preliminary report of a review of audit recommendations by an ad hoe committee chaired by Trustee Kevin (Chubby) Mahoe was presented at the March 20 meeting. Reorganization of OHA's committee structure is one of the major recommendations contained in a recently eompleted management audit conducted by the firm of Arthur Young and Company. The new committees — Operations and Devel- ' opment, Program, and External Affairs — replace Budget and Finance, Planning and Development, Culture/Education, Human Services and Resource Development. Following approval of the new committees, Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr., announced these appointments: Operations and Development — Clarence F.T. Ching, chairperson; A. Frenchy DeSoto, vice chairperson. Responsible for overseeing the planning and allocating of resources. Program — Moanikeala Akaka, chairperson; Rodney Kealiimahiai Burgess III, vice chairperson. Reevaluate all OHA programs whieh would still allow the trustees to be involved in the program areas but at a higher level of policy formulation and oversight. External Affairs — Thomas K. Kaulukukui Sr., chairperson; Manu Kahaialii, vice chairperson. Focus on improving and expanding OHA's involvement with external organizations and agencies. Keale said all nine Trustees will be members of the three new standing committees. V )