Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 5, 1 Mei 1987 — OHA Role Noted in Western Samoa Events [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Role Noted in Western Samoa Events
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs figured prominently in a number of events last month connected with the observance of the 25th Anniversary of Western Samoa's independence and the opening of a Western Samoa trade fair in Hawaii. OHA on Apr. 2 acted as co-sponsor, along with the State Department of Planning and Eeonomie Development, of a seminar entitled "Western Samoa: Looking To Expanding Its Eeonomie Potential and Industrial Development." OHA Administrator Kamaki A. Kanahele III served as seminar chairman. The Honorable Le Tagaloa Pita, Western Samoa Minister for Eeonomie Affairs, Trade, Commerce, Industries, Tourism, Statistics, Post Office and Telecommunication and Broadcasting, said that the seminar allowed participating Samoan businessmen to meet some of their counterparts here in Hawaii. Pita said he hoped for the establishment of a formal eouneil to continue interaction between the two groups. OHA Board Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr., was invited to represent the Office at an elaborate awa ceremony and sua presentation Apr. 3 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Lagoon Greens area. Her Royal Highness To'oa Salamasina Malietoa, sister of Western Samoa's
head of state, was in attendance as was Governor John David III and other representatives of state and county governments. Minister Pita explained that the ceremonies were to honor and thank the people of Hawaii for the hospitality shown to members of the Samoan delegation. Traditional songs, dances and speeches preceeded the ceremonial mixing and serving of the awa and the gift presentation. The honorees were told that in ancient times the awa ceremony was sacred and performed only in the courts of kings. No business eoulel be transacted without the offering and acceptance of the awa eup. Today, the ceremony also symbolizes the gathering of friends and is an entreaty and prayer to the gods asking for their blessing. These ceremonies marked the official beginning of Western Samoa's trade fair whieh ran from Apr. 3-6 in the Hawaiian Village Tapa Lounge area. The final event of the week-long celebration was a "Night In Western Samoa" dinner-dance fund raiser held Apr. 7 to help finance the observance in Western Samoa of that country's Silver Jubilee of its independence.
Watching ceremonies on Hawaiian Village Green from left to right are the Honorable Letagaloa Pita and his wife; Ilima Pi'ianai'a, Director and Chairperson, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands; Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr.; Brigadier General James Chambers, CincPac; Her Royal Highness To'oa Salamasina Malietoa; Governor John David Waihee III; Earl McDonough, Hilton Hotels; George Kekuna, representing Mayor Frank F. Fasi.