Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 5, 1 Mei 1987 — King Kamehameha Club Notes 20th Anniversary [ARTICLE]
King Kamehameha Club Notes 20th Anniversary
The King Kamehameha Hawaiian Civic Club observed its 20th anniversary with a banquet Apr. 1 1 in the Ni'ihau Room of the Waikiki Sheraton Hotel. Walter V. Rodenhurst Jr., who was the founding president of the club in April, 1967, onee more heads the club in its 20th year. Rodenhurst, a retired supervisor of Hawaiian Telephone Company, and other 1987 officers were installed Feb. 23 at the club's meeting plaee in St. Peter's Church Hall. Aloha Awa'a conducted the installation services in Hawaiian. Other officers are Gladys Shiroma, first vice president; Lana Hano, second vice president; Barbara Shiraishi, corresponding and recording secretary; Elouise Kealoha, treasurer; Earle Kealoha Sr., sergeant-at-arms; Rose McCarthy, ehaplain; and Clara Kekahuna, historian. Directors are Lovener Burns, Momi Caswell, Lei Johnson, Lueille Morse and Ann Ka'apana, immediate past president. At the anniversary banquet, whieh was attended by about 60 members and guests, current and former charter members reminisced about the past 20 years, enjoyed a seven-course Chinese dinner, refreshments and fellowship.