Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 5, 1 Mei 1987 — Princess Kaʻiulani HCC Announces Appointments [ARTICLE]
Princess Kaʻiulani HCC Announces Appointments
Appointment of committee chairpersons, acceptanee into membership of 10 new members and the first fund raiser for the rejuvenated Princess Ka'iulani Hawaiian Civic Club highlighted the Apr. 7 monthly meeting at Beretania Neighborhood Community Center. Those appointed by President Kenneth S. Haina to head committees were: Luana Beck, Finance; Caroline Hurley, Historian; Mrs. Carol Hurley, Membership; Mary Kuulei Haina, Sergeant-at-Arms; and Gladys Rodenhurst, Uniform. Candace Hurley, who began new duties recently as executive secretary for Alu Like ine., serves the club as its recording and corresponding secretary, director of its Na Kamali'i program and chairperson of the constitution and bylaws committee. The fund raiser is the sale of the popular Larry's Waiau Bakery einnamon bread. Members are now taking orders for May 22 delivery. Vice President Carol Anzai and member Mahi Perreira are co-chairing the fund raiser. With an infusion of new blood, new directions and planned programs, the club in three months has swelled its membership roster from a low of five to 20 active dues-paying members. The club still welcomes new members. Those interested may contact any of those mentioned or Mrs. Hurley at 677-4474, Mrs. Anzai, 537-3559 or Mrs. Haina, 531-0666. Information on its Na Kamali'i or youth program may also be obtained by calling Candace Hurley at 677-4474. In other Apr. 7 action, members voted to make its biennial birthday tribute to Princess Ka'iulani an annual event instead of biennially, starting in this Year of the Hawaiian. This tribute will be held Oct. 16 at Mauna 'Ala. Mrs. Rodenhurst is chairing this event. The club's next meeting is 7 p.m., Monday, May 4, at the same BNCC loeahon.