Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 4, 1 April 1987 — Cockett is President of 1987 Aloha Week [ARTICLE]
Cockett is President of 1987 Aloha Week
James H. Cockett, vice president and general manager of the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel, is the new president of Aloha Week Festivals for 1987. Cockett, who succeeds Stuart T.K. Ho, chairman of the board of Capital Investments of Hawaii ine., and other officers, directors and neighbor island managers were installed Jan. 16 at the Pacific Club in Honolulu. The swearing-in and blessing ee remonies were eonducted by Monsignor Charles A. Kekumano, trusteeof the Queen Liliuokalani Trust. Welcoming the group as mistress of ceremonies was Tina Kaneshiro, proprietress of Leo's Palee in Honolulu. In addition to Cockett, other officers are: Dana Gray, manager, Liberty House Downtown, first vice president; Louis A. Kau, vice president for operations, Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, second vice president; Carl J. Rosetti, director of transportation, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pearl Harbor, treasurer; Joel Kennedy, vicepresident, Hawaiian Telephone, assistant treasurer; Momi Cazimero, president, Graphic House ine., secretary; Mrs. Kaneshiro, assistant secretary; Ho, immediate past president. Directors are: Paul Ables, president, Pacific Insuranee Ltd; Robert J. Balzer, vice president and general merchandise manager, Duty Free Shoppers; Stephen Boyle, vice president and general manager, New Otani Kaimana Beach Hotel; MiIton H. Carter Jr., president, Musicians Association of Hawaii; Robert F. Cotter, senior vice president and director of marketing, Sheraton Hotels in Hawaii and Japan; Rick Davis, publisher, Aloha Magazine; Sandra Duckworth; Stanley W. Hong, president, Hawaii Visitors Bureau; David R. Huffman, vice president, Polynesian Adventure Tours ine.; William Kahapea, assistant vice president and manager, Bank of Hawaii, Kaneohe, Ahuimanu and Laie branches; Msgr. Kekumano; John B. Kelly, first vice president for public relations, Alexander and Baldwin ine.; Dr. Richard R. Kelley, president, Outrigger Hotels; H.K. Bruss Keppeler, attorney at law; Robert L. Moore, general manager, Sea Life Park; Lindsey N. Polloek, senior vice president, Hawaiian Airlines; Nancy T. Taylor, government program specialist, Bank of Hawaii. Neighbor island managers include: Hawaii— Tita Beamer Solomon, Kumu Hula, Bearher-Solomon Arts. Maui — Edwina Smythe, ILWU agent. Molokai — Councilman Patrick Kawano also supervisor, Molokai Electric Co. Kauai — Marvin Tung-Loong, manager of Occupational Safety and Health, U.S. Navy, Barking Sands. Aloha Week 1987, whieh has selected the Ho'olako 1987 theme of " We Are Enriched," will be celebrated on all islands Sept. 18-27. Those wishing complete details of Aloha Week 1987 may contact Executive Director MaryLou Foley at 9448857, or write Aloha Week Festivals, 750 Amana St. Suite 111, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814.