Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 4, 1 April 1987 — Honoring Aunty Maiki Aiu Lake [ARTICLE]

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Honoring Aunty Maiki Aiu Lake

Third Annual Celebration Set May 25

Two neighbor island halau, five from Oahu, the Brothers Cazimero and Halona will be among the featured entertainment at the third annual Founder's Day Celebration set for the Memoria! Day holiday, Monday, May 25, at Kahikolu on the campus of St. Francis School for Girls in Manoa. Hosting the event again is Halau Hula O Maiki under Kumu Hula Coline Aiu Ferranti in honor of her mother and halau founder Aunty Maiki Aiu Lake. Kahikolu is the memorial garden dedicated to her memory. The celebrations get under way at 10 a.m. with a 1.6mile hula malie run from the halau headquarters in Puck's Alley on King St. and University Ave. to Kahikolu. Walkers and runners will follow a scenic route along University, Alaula Way and Pamoa Road. This day-!ong tribute to the memory of the aeknowledged "mother of the Hawaiian renaissance" will showcase several graduate kumu hula of her halau and their respective halau. Appearing from Kona, Hawaii, is Kumu Hula Ulalia Kaai Berman and her Ulalia School of Hawaiian dance. Kumu Hula Kuulei Punua and her Halau Hula O Kuulei Punua will be coming from Kauai. Other kumu hula and their halau appearing on the program are Robert Cazimero and The Gentlemen of Na Kamalei; Lahela Kaaihue and Lamalani Hula Aeademy; Leina'ala Heine Kalama and na Pualei O Likolehua; Vicky Holt Takamine and Pua Ali'i 'Ilima; and host Halau Hula O Maiki. No coolers or aleoholie beverages are allowed. There will be food and refreshment stands, leis, T-shirts and pareaus on sale. You are encouraged to bring your beach mats or other hali'i. There is a $10 donation to Kahikolu and all the entertainment plus an additional $5 entry fee for those participating in the 1.6 hula malie walk and run whieh includes a commemorative T-shirt and entrance to the celebration. One of the highlights of the day's celebrations will continue to be the release of hundreds of colored balloons with special messages to the beloved Aunty Maiki. Kahikolu, whieh means trinity representing faith, hope and love, was so named by Aunty Vicki Ii Rodrigues, Hawaiiana authority and one of Aunty Maiki's teachers. The site was selected by the school to

be developed as a memonal garden in living memory of one of its beloved graduates. Monies raised from the celebrations will be used towards realizing Aunty Maiki's dream of a school building where all people ean eome to leam Hawaii's culture and history through song and dance. Halau Hula O Maiki is one of several organizations under the umbrella of Kawena Corporation established in articles of incorporabon on May 14, 1979, by Aunty Maiki, as a legacy to be left to her daughter, Mrs. Ferranti. The corporation administers her many pursuits whieh include her halau, 'Ahahui Ka'iulani, the Hawaiian Dance Company, Kawena Corporation Building Fund, Hula Malie horseriding club and Kahikolu.