Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 4, 1 April 1987 — Museum Features Legacy of Excellence [ARTICLE]

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Museum Features Legacy of Excellence

"A Legacy of Excellence : Craft T raditions of Hawai'i" is a new major exhibition opening Lei Day, May 1, at Bishop Museum. It commemorates The Year of the Hawaiian and shows the excellence attained by early Hawaiians in 14 major areas. Among them are fiber arts, woodworking, canoes, featherwork, sports and games and agriculture. In addition to an overview exhibit in the Vestibule Gallery, later rotating exhibitions in the Kahili Room will highlight particular "cultural peaks" in more detail. Viewing hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and the first Sunday of the month. Except for Family Sundays on the first Sunday of the month, there is an admission charge on all other days. The Museum and its exhibits and exhibitions are free on Family Sundays through the generous corporate sponsorship of Hawaiian Telephone Company. Fami!y Sunday on Apr. 5 features "Festival of Young Children" coordinated by the Hawaii Association for the Education of Young Children. Youngsters ean enjoy a nature walk, participate in arts and crafts and see science displays and entries from the Childrens' Design Competition. Stephanie Feeney, author of "A is for Aloha," will be on hand to autograph copies of her book. So will firefighters, poliee and ambulance crews with their equipment. There will be entertainment throughout the day, food booths, T-shirts, children's books and other items on sale.