Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1987 — Veterans Guide Book Available Free at OHA [ARTICLE]
Veterans Guide Book Available Free at OHA
A publication titled: Veterans Guide to Employment and Benefits recently published by the Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program in Hawaii has been reprinted by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for FREE distribution to Hawaiian veterans and family members of deceased Hawaiian veterans. This guide contains a list of trade schools, colleges and universities whieh aids the veteran in preparing to enter a fulfilling career. Sections of the guide describe where to look for job openings, who will provide employment and training assistance and a detailed section on applying for a job. It also includes instruction and ideas in preparing a resume. Actual copies of applieahon forms used by the Federal, state and Honolulu City and County are also included in this very comprehensive guide. The most important section in applying for job addresses the subject of how to act at a job interview. For those inclined towards being individual entrepreneurs, there is a section on starting your own business whieh lists different organizations that ean help one get started in business. The guide further covers all the benefits available to veterans and includes a timetable of the cutoff dates whieh limit when one may apply for these benefits. An appendix to the guide lists all the veterans eouncils and organizations with the name and address of the contact person whieh will aid veterans who wish to join or affiliate themselves with active veteran groups. Veterans are encouraged to visit the OHA office located on their island and obtain their free copy of this guide. Guides will not be mailed out except to veterans on the islands of Niihau and Lanai. All one must do to get a free copy is to fill out a short survey form whieh is given out with the guide. This form must be completed before leaving the OHA office. The information being collected through this survey will be used by OHA and the Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program in Hawaii to identify veteran needs and advocate for programs for our Hawaiian veterans. For additional information please eall the OHA Human Services Division, Veterans Affairs, in Honolulu, phone 946-2642.