Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1987 — Princess Kaiulani HCC Elects Haina President [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Princess Kaiulani HCC Elects Haina President

Kenneth S. (Kenny) Haina, publications editor for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, was elected president of the Princess Kaiulani Hawaiian Civic Club at its Feb. 9 meeting at the Beretania Neighborhood Community Center. He had filled an unexpired term since last July. Reelected were Candice Hurley, corresponding and recording secretary; Marlene (Musu) Nishimiya, treasurer; and Gladys Rodenhurst and Dorothy Gilette, directors. Elected for the first time was Carol Anzai as vice president who will also serve as an alternate member for the club at Oahu District Council meetings. Mrs. Gilette is the permanent member to the eouneil. A mixture of new blood with a handful of diehard charter members has given the club a new infusion as evidenced by the activities planned at the Feb. 9 meeting whieh was the largest in attendance in over two years. Members at that meeting voted to: • Establish a Na Opio unit in the club with Miss Hurley as adivsor. A criteria will be formulated and a membership drive will be launched. • Create a fund-raising committee to organize various projects. Mrs. Anzai was appointed chairperson with Mahina Perreira assisting. • Change their meetings from quarterly to bi-month-ly, setting the following dates: May 4, July 6, Sept. 14 and Nov.2. All meetings begin at 7 p.m. at BNCC. • Conduct a telephone survey of its membership and ascertain whieh kinds of activities or involvement best interests them. Mrs. Anzai and Kuulei Haina are doing the survey. The club, while ironically active through its representation on the association and eouneil levels, has nonetheless been rather inactive on the club level. Reason for this inactivity has been because of poor attendance and membership response. A concerted effort to recruit new members is being made and it is hoped a new image for the club ean be established during Ho'olako 1987: The Year of the Hawaiian. Membership is open to everyone. lf you are interested, attend one of the meetings or eall Candice Hurley at 677-4474, Kuulei Haina at 531-0666 or Mrs. Anzai at 537-3559.