Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 3, 1 March 1987 — OHA Starts KCCN Radio Show Mar. 8 [ARTICLE]

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OHA Starts KCCN Radio Show Mar. 8

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will launeh its own radio program on Hawaiian radio KCCN 1420 on the AM dial beginning Sunday, Mar. 8. lt will be broadcast every Sunday from 8 to 8:30 p.m. and will feature news of interest to the Hawaiian eommunity and discussions of current issues and concerns. The program will give listeners an opportunity to get aequainted with their elected Trustees and with the staff members who work in the various programs and other areas of the administration. Different subjects will be highlighted eaeh Sunday, including a variety of guests who will participate in the discussions. Some of the programs will offer listeners an opportunity to eall in questions on a live "hot line." The program, still untitled at press time, will begin with OHA News, a brief newscast presenting high!ights of events of the past week and the voices of people making the news. OHA News will also keep listeners up-to-date on federal legislation affecting the Hawaiian community. A regular feature of the newscast will be a report from Larry Kamakawiwoole, federal liaison officer based in Washington, D.C. KCCN Radio is donating the Sunday evening timeas a public service to the people of Hawaii. The agreement between OHA and KCCN is for an initial 13-week series of programs. Ēd Miehelman, OHA public information officer, is the show director." ■