Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1987 — Festival Seeks Hawaii Talent [ARTICLE]
Festival Seeks Hawaii Talent
People to represent Hawaii in a three-day festival in Woodland Hills, Calif., are being sought by former Miss Hawaii Lei Maa Richmond and her husband, Branseome, for the 1987 Summer Pacifica Festival. The June 26-28 event is titled, "Pacifica: A Festival of Pacific Arts and Cultures." It will offer a celebration of the many visual arts, crafts, dances, music, foods and other attractions of the Pacific region. Purpose of the festival is to create an environment for the nurturing of cultures by the peoples of the Pacific region, and to bring the beauty and diversity of the eultures of the Pacific to the attention of the Los Angeles public. The Richmonds were recently appointed Cultural Foundation Celebrity Advisors for Hawaii and Tahiti. Richmond, who is a movie actor and stunt man, is of Hawaiian and Tahitian background. His wife, who was also a former Miss USA runnerup, is an actress, entertainer and model. The eouple resides in California. Interested persons may contact The Cultural Foundation, 21600 Oxnard St., Suite 540, Woodland Hills, Calif., 91367. The Foundation may also be reached by telephone at (818) 887-2787.