Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1986 — Medeiros Heads Oahu Council; Association Poised for Convention [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Medeiros Heads Oahu Council; Association Poised for Convention

Lila Medeiros of the Queen Emma Hawaiian Civic Club was elected president of the Oahu District Council of Hawaiian Civic Clubs at a pre-convention caucus and general membership meeting of the eouneil Oct. 11 in the Garden Lanai of the Ala Moana Americana Hotel. Other eouneil officers elected were Betty Kawohiokalani Ellis Jenkins, Alii Pauahi, first vice president; Milton Lau, Kualoa-Heeia, second vice president; Nona Kamai, Waikiki, recording secretary; Ethelreda Kahalewai, Puuloa, treasurer; Agenes K. Cope, Waianae; Sherry Evans, Koolauloa; Gladys Rodenhurst, Ahahui Kaiulani; Dennis Sai, Prince Kuhio, eouneil directors. Also elected were new directors to the Association board for Oahu. They are Peter Ching, Pearl Harbor; Dawn Farm-Ramsey, Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu; and Dexter Soares, Kalihi-Palama. Outgoing Council President Bruss Keppeler presided over the meeting with 200 members and delegates in attendance. The very crowded agenda included nominations, campaign speeches and contested elections in

a healthy demonstration of the democratic process. The new directors to the Association board will be installed along with other officers at the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs 27th annual convention Nov. 1315 on Kauai. Council officers will be installed at the first eouneil meeting in January. A particularly warm and satisfying point of the meeting eame when club members who are candidates for

public office asked colleagues for consideration in the State of Hawaii general election. Introduced and asked to say a few words were House candidates Kinau Kamalii, Roy Benham, Daniel Kihano and Joseph Leong. Office of Hawaiian Affairs candidates present were Velma (Aloha) Kekipi, Linda Delaney, Gard Kealoha, Melvin Kauila Clark andS. C. Tony KalanuiSoller. Also recognized in absentia were House candidates Whitney Anderson, Peter Apo, Henry Haalilio Peters and Mits Shito; City Council candidate Creighton Mattoon; Board of Education candidate Margeret Apo; Senate candidates James Aki and Malama Solomon; and Gubernatorial candidate John Waihee, a member of the Kalihi-Palama Hawaiian Civic Club. It was truly a proud moment for civic clubs to aeelaim these members. A solemn necrology ceremony honoring deceased members during the past biennium was conducted by Toni Lee of the Pearl Harbor club with music and song by fellow club members led by Nola Nahulu.

The names of 32 members from 12 clubs were read and a representative carried a lighted candle whieh was placed in the proper receptacle on a table set up for the occasion. Names of deceased members for the 19841986 years and their clubs were: Ewa — Joseph Camacho Sr., Harry (Sonny) DeFreitas, Richard Valentine. Honolulu — Charles M. Akana, Clorinda Low Lucas, Rachel Brown, Katherine Damaso, Patty Woolaway, Mrs. Parker Widemann. Koolauloa — Ann Byous. Koolaupoko — Mathilda Antone, Earl Padekan. Nanaikapono — Violet Nakea. Kalihi-Palama — Minnie Figueroa, Nancy Brown, Margie Amina, Maggie Crippin, Velma Kaohihana. Pearl Harbor— Ruby Irvine, Chiyoko Nahulu. Prince Kuhio — Joan Peters, Conway Marcellino, James Hakuole. Queen Emma — Richmond K. EllisSr., Juanita Pettigrew, Yolanda Martin. Waianae — Gabriel Weisbarth, Frances Low. Waikiki — Lilinoe Scharsch, Marie Hinkle. Waimanalo — Florence Stone, Mamie Kamm.

The eouneil noted an increase in its total membership for 1986 with a net gain of 58, showing 1, 174 against 1,133 for 1985. Delegates also voted to recommend to the association that the charter of the Makakilo Hawaiian Civic Club he revoked for several constitutional violations. The Association convention on Kauai promises to be another agenda-filled session with resolutions, whieh were to be submitted by the Oct. 16 deadline, and eleetions among the featured order of business. Guest speakers, awards, reports, the 'Aha Mele or song eontest, ho'olaulea and convention luau are other agenda items. There will also be Hawaiian arts and crafts displays put on by various clubs.

Chorale Director Elizabeth Moanaala Chang directs choir members of the 'Ahahui O Lili'uokalani Hawaiian Civic Club of Gardena, Calif., to a first plaee finish in the 1985 'Aha Mele on Maui. This year's song eontest takes plaee Nov. 14 during the association's 27th annual convention on Kauai.

Judges look over entries in last year's lei contest during Association convention on Maui. This is just one of the many activities whieh take plaee during the Hawaiian Civic Clubs', annual meetings.