Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1986 — OHA Election Draws Field of 31 Candidates [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA Election Draws Field of 31 Candidates
Five Seats in Nov. 4 Ballotina
(Editor's Note: As a service to its voting beneficiaries and candidates, Ka Wai Ola O OHA is happy to rerun the following story along with photos and biographical sketches of those Hawaiians vyingforfive seats on the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board ofTrustees during the General Election on Nov. 4. Photos and a brief synopsis of those candidates who responded to a Ka Wai Ola O OHA questionnaire appear on Pages 4, 5, 6 and 7.)
A field of 31 candidates will be vying for five seats on the nine-member Board of T rustees in the November 4 Office of Hawaiian Affairs election, being held the same time as the General Eleehon and that of the Board of Education. There are 22 candidates for the three At-Large seats, seven for the lone Oahu position and two for the one Maui seat. The four holdover Trustees are Moanikeala Akaka. Hawaii; Louis K. Hao, Molokai; Moses K. Keale Sr., Kauai and Niihau; and Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaululukui Sr., At-Large. OHA Board chairman Rockne C. Freitas, an AtLarge Trustee; Maui Trustee Joseph G. Kealoha Jr.; and Oahu Trustee Hayden F. Burgess are not seeking re-election. Incumbent seeking re-election are At-Large Trustees Rod Kealiimahiai Burgess III and Gard Kealoha. Appearing on the inside pages of this issue are photos and biographical sketches of 25 candidates who respondod to a Ka Wai Ola O OHA offer to inform beneficiaries about their background and why they were interested in becoming a Trustee. The 31 candidates are.
AT-LARGE (3) • Rod Kealiimahiai Burgess. Kaliko B. Chun. Melvin Kauila Clark. Mary Kukahiwa De Oeampo. Linda Keaweehu Dela Cruz. A. Frenchy DeSoto. Robert Fuller. Odetta Mahealani Higa. Rita Kawehi Kanui-Gill. Abraham (Horse) Kapana. • Gard Kealoha. Velma P. (Aloha) Kekipi. Arthur Kepoo. Richard Pomaikai Kinney. Franklin Kipilii. Kevin M.K. (Chubby) Mahoe.
Myrtle M. Mokiao. Kawaipuna Prejean. Herman Reis. Walter Ritte Jr. James Pauahi Rowland Jr. Viola Kuualoha Studebaker.
MAUl (1) Manu Kahaialii. Christine Kong Teruya.
OAHU (1)
Clarence F.T. Ching. Linda L. Delaney. Pearl Kong Epstein. R. Lunalilo Sellers. Joseph F. Serrao. Albert K. Sing. S.C. Tony Kalanui Soller. • Denotes incumbent.
These four holdover trustees, whose terms expire in 1988, will be joined by five new members following the Nov. 4 General Election when Hawaiian voting beneflciaries choose among 31 candidates. Holdover trustees pictured here at their 1984 inauguration are from Ieft to right, Moses K. Keale Sr., Niihau and Kauai; Moanikeala Akaka, Hawaii; Thomas K. (Unele Tommy) Kaulukukui Sr., Trustee-at-Large; and Louis Hao, Molokai.