Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 11, 1 November 1986 — At-Large Candidates [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
At-Large Candidates
Education: Farrington High School; (Jniversity ofHawaii,cultural; U.S. Army technical studies. Previous and Current Employment: Self-employed tour eonsultant; hotel food and catering; luau catering and program; tour and entertainment activities; educator. Hawaiian language; aquatic sports planning; driver's education program. Community or Organizat ional Activities: OHA Advisory Committee member, Human Services; Disabled Ameiiean Veterans; Alu Like ine., Kahu Center of Hawaii; Political Education Committee; 1961 Aloha Week king; Kanikapila Club; World War II, Korean War veteran. Political or Governmental offices held: Lobbyist at legislature. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I am a candidate because I am concerned about where we're going and what options, if any, do we have. I know we ean prove to one another that we ean work together like Hawaiians should. I envision a new breed of people replacing the "old boy" system. We need better control on p>olicy making. We need accountability to achieve the best for our people. If given that ehanee, I will keep an open invitation and a direct link with the powers of OHA for the betterment of all the Hawaiian people as my pnnaple eoneem. Mahab. Auo 'ai me kealoha.
Education: Punahou School; Whitworth College, AB; Graduate work and special institutes: UCLA, University of Hawaii, Stanford University, University of California-Irvine, New York University, American Institute of Banking, Hawaii Realtor's license. Previous and Current Employment: Assistant to the publishers, Topgallant Publishing Co. Ltd.; First Hawaiian Bank; California and Hawaii public schools. Currently Public Information Officer, AluLike ine. Community or Organizational Activities: Chairman, OHA Education/Culture Committee; vice chairman, OHA Budget and Finanee Committee. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? The Office of Hawaiian Affairs needs leadership that insists on integrity, honesty and a willingness to work cooperatively with a profound understanding and pride in our cherished cultural values. They comprise an enduring four>dation for today's management skills that are required in order to bring about the most positive changes benefitting all Hawaiian. I have worked tirelessly in the past to achieve excellence and pledge to work ceaselessly again to sustain an appreciation for what is po'okela in our collective future.
Richard Pomaikai Kinney In a prepared brochure, the candidate notes that the Office of Hawaiian Affairs should bok into or expand on the issues of autonomy, revenues, health, housing, education and jobs, land, loans and grants and culture. The candidate did not respond to specific questions posed by Ka Wai Ola O OHA but merely furnished a brochure. The candidate declined to have his photo published.
Education: Kaimuki High School, 1960; University of Hawaii, three years; completed two years, H&R Block ineome Tax Course; completed Mike McCormack School of Realty; completed Dale Carnegie sales course, served as class assistant two terms. Previous and Current Employment: Dole Pineapple Co.; Liber ty Bank; F & S Towing Ltd. (part owner); tax preparer, Bruce Pendle ton; fiscal offbe, UH, Hamilton Library; sales, Robert's Hawaii; clerk in accounting, maintenance and transportatbn, MTL ine.; currently, Department of Educatbn, Leeward District kupuna program; also, Kamehameha School continuing education program. Political or Government offices held: Nanakuli representative and communications committee chairperson, Waianae Coast Neighborhood Board No. 24. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I love this Hawaii nei. I am the only female from the original 137 candidates of 1980 seeking an at-large position for the fourth straight election. I persist because I believe I ean make a positive contribution to the OHA board. 1 am a haumana (student) of Na Mea Hawaii (things of Hawaii). I have been to the mountains and shores of all the islands except for Niihau but including Kahoolawe. I have met many beautiful and concerned people and I know that they and our aina are saying we must be akamai (wise) about future development. 1 also believe the "key" is education whbh,for me is synonymous with communbation whieh brings about wisdom, knowledge, understandīngand participation. If you love this Hawaii nei and feel as I do, please cast one of your at-large votes for Velma P. (Aloha) Kekipi. Aloha and mahalo for your time. -i
Education: The Kamehameha Schools, 1948; Non-commissioned Officers Academy; Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hawaii National Guard; graduate, Officer's Basic Course, U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers; Leeward Community College, business administratbn; Honolulu Community CoIlege, poliee science-asso-ciate science degree. Previous and Current Employment: Currently self-employed, Aha Pa'ina Aloha; Department of Education, Honolulu District kupuna program; Lyon Aboretum, lecturer/instructor on Hawaiian culture; State of Hawaii security officer. Community or Organizational Activities: President, Garden Council (community gardens); president, Dole Garden. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee?lhave theexpertise to accomplish the purposes of OFlA. I want lands for the Hawaiians. I want scholarships for our graduating youths. I want jobs for our people. I want monies for our people. I have accomplished these goals within the Community Garden Program of Honolulu as its president. The members of the Garden Council and 1 built up a treasury from zero to $1,000 over a two-year perbd. We formed eommittees to solve our problems. I've dreamed of OHA progressing. With my little ohana experiment, I ean move OHA ahead in a short time.
Franklin Kipilii (Did not respond)
Education: Puuhale Elementary School; The Kamehameha Schools, 1%2. Previous and Current Employment: Currently, owner and director, Hula Academy of St. AndrewsCathedral;20-year veteranin the visitor industry; promotional entertainer for Hawaiian, Aloha and Mid-Pacific Airlines; president, Chubby's Travel Service (doing busi ness as Aloha Ports of Paradise); instructor/coordinator manpower training unit, University of Hawaii and Community Colleges; trained employees at King Kamehameha, Maui lntercontinental, Wailea, Sheraton Molokai, Waiohai Hotels. Community or Organizational Activities: Member, board of directors, Moanalua Gardens Foundation; chairman, Prince Lot Hula Festival, 1986; co-chairman, 1987 Festival; Hawaiian Center, St. Andrews Cathedral; Hawaii's Thousand Friends; KamehamehaSchools Centennial choir. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I have prayed to God for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and their officers, trustees and staff. I thank God for those who have diligently served her (OHA's) best interests. 1 am now asking God and the people of Hawaii for an opportunity to serve. I cannot promise anyone anything. Only when youare in the "hot seat" wiU you tmly know what todoandhowtodo it. With God's help, OHA will survive and serve Hawaii. One tmstee is not OHA; all of us are. Elected or not elected, I will always pray for OHA. Aloha ke Akua.
Education: Waiahole Elementary School; Kalakaua Intermediate School; Farrington High School, 1939. Previous cmd Current Employment: School custodian, Nanai kapono Elementary and lntermediate School; social worker's aide, Queen Liliuokalani Childrens Center; community worker-organizer, Honolulu Community Action Program; community worker, coord inator, director, Palama Settlement, WRAC program; custodian, State Department of Transportatbn, Airports division; currently retired. Community or Organizational Activities: PTAs; Hawaiian Homestead Community Association; GirlScouts; YWCA; Councilof Hawaiian Organizations; chairman, Coalition for Poor People; board member, Alu Like ine.; board member, Nanakuli Day Care Center; Neighborhood Youth Corps; member, Model Cities program; member, Hawaiian homes Compensatory Ed; member, Aloha United Way. Political or Governmental offices held: Currently precinct president, Democratic Party of Hawaii, Districts21, 38-1, 48-1; district vice chairman, 4-8-1; Oahu County Committee, 1974-1986; Public Defender eouneil member; member, Commission on Legislative Salary. Why do you feel you should be an OHA trustee? I feel it is time for a "new change" to help people get our act together. People are disturbed and frustrated. I am a candidate because I want to provide that "change." First, the goals of OHAs purposes definitely provide the structure for bettering the conditions of its beneficiaries, the Hawaiian people. Secondly, their "social problems" should be addressed. Land issues in part should also be addressed by providing supportive services to help with their frustrations. OHA is the establishment to help raise the standards of living for ALL people who are Hawaiian.
Abraham (Horse) Kapana
Gard Kealoha
Velma P. (Aloha) Kekipi
Arthur Kepoo
Kevin M.K. (Chubby) Mahoe
Myrtle M. Mokiao^^^^™