Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 10, 1 October 1986 — Hewahewa Ohana Sets '87 Reunion for June [ARTICLE]
Hewahewa Ohana Sets '87 Reunion for June
The Hewahewa Reunion Committee, made up of descendants of Hewahewa, kahuna nui to King Kamehameha the Great, has set June 11-14 for the ohana's 1987 reunion at a loeahon on Oahu. The goal is to reach the more than 4,000 descendants spread throughout Hawaii, the mainland and the rest of the world. The first reunion was held in 1979 and involved 600 ohana members from just one branch of the family. lt was decided then to hold a reunion every five years but this was changed to three-year intervals in 1985 when 1,200 attended.
For 1987, we re going to the root of the famuy whieh we estimate to be over 4,000," reported Luana Na'mi Kama, chairperson of the 1987 reunioncommittee. "We need this four-day Kamehameha Day weekend to let our ohana know themselves, where they eome from and who they are," she explained. The committee has been holding monthly meetings to put the pieces together for the reunion. They met Sept. 13 at Honaunau, Kona, and are slated to meet again Oct. 4 in Nanakuli and Nov. 8 at Waimanalo. A complete schedule of these meetings was announced in the September issues of this newspaper. Those wishing further information on the reunion are asked to eall Kama at 696-8135.