Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 10, 1 October 1986 — Kicking Rock Gives One a "Good Feeling" [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kicking Rock Gives One a "Good Feeling"
"The Legend of Hawaii's Kicking Rock" is a pasttime fūstered and promoted by half Hawaiian John Kapukuniahi Andrade of Honolulu and Ogden, Utah, "as a good way to discuss problems" It is not classed as a game or sport because there are no rules, goals or points. "The kicking rock gives one a good feeling of being together with a friend or loved one. It is one way of trying to express togethemess," Andrade explained to Ka Wai Ola O OHA.
The "legend" is a true story whieh has been repeated after 50 years by Gary Paul Keoni Andrade, grandson of John (Keoni) K. Andrade, author of a 16-page booklet on the rock and how it eame to be. The booklet briefly describes a kicking rock given to Paul Keoni by his father as a birthday present. Dropping the rock to the gorund, they went off for walks together, eaeh taking a turn kicking the rock as they went along. This special rock has brought so mueh joy and happiness over the years.
The rock is a miniature of the lave rocks found in many places in Hawaii. It is attractively gift-boxed and together with the booklet is available at several outlets, including the Queen Emma Summer Home, Bishop Museum Shop Pacifica, Andrade's and Hilo Hattie Waikiki outlets and others.
Andrade, who has lived in Utah the past 10 years, was born in Kalihi, attended St. Theresa's School and graduated in 1947 from Farrington High School. He also holds a physical education degree from Weber State University and studied at Laney College in Oakland, Calif. He also studied to be an electrician in Chicago, worked in his early years at the old Honolulu lron Works and had a landscaping business in Fremont, Calif., before moving to Ogden.
He returned to Honolulu last year while still maintaining his Utah residency. During his Hawaii hiatus, Andrade has spent his time marketing the kicking rock and admits to having one or two other projects on the planning boards. Of the kicking rock, Andrade advises purchasers to "remember to use it often with someone you love."
John Kapukuniahi Andrade