Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 10, 1 October 1986 — Competition in New Format, Site [ARTICLE]

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Competition in New Format, Site

A new location and a new format will mark the 14th Annual King Kamehameha Hula Competition in 1987, according to an announcement by the sponsoring State Council on Hawaiian Heritage. At the same time, another announcement from the King Kamehameha Celebration Commission notes that the theme for the 114th annual celebration is "Kulana Ha'aheo E Na Hawai'i" (Stand Tall and Proud All of Hawai'i).

On Oahu, the celebration will begin with a state decoration ceremony on Friday, June 5, with the 71st annual floral parade scheduled for Saturday, June 6. A ho'olaulea featuring Hawaiian arts and crafts will be held at Queen Kapiolani Park following the parade. Among "firsts" being established in the hula competition are: • It will be a two-day event June 26 and 27. • Hula auwana has been added for the second night. • The new location is the Neal S. Blaisdell Center in Honolulu. It was previously held on the Brigham Young University Hawaii campus in Laie. Hula kahiko and the chant competition complete the program.

Rules, regulations and applications for the hula eompetition are available by calling the State Council on Hawaiian Heritage at 536-6540. Application deadline is Feb. 1, 1987. Applications for participation in the parade in one of four divisions are now available at the celebration eommission office, 355 N. King St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96817, telephone 548-4512. These applications are available for pa'u riders, private mounted units, floats and vehicles and marching units. AIso available are applications for pa'u marshal, pa'u queen, grand marshal and King Kamehameha. Deadline for the parade applications is Jan. 15, 1987.