Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 10, 1 October 1986 — Governor's Wife to Speak at Mauna Ala [ARTICLE]
Governor's Wife to Speak at Mauna Ala
Hawaii First Lady Mrs. Jean Ariyoshi will be the guest speaker at commemoration ceremonies honoring Princess Victoria Kawekiu Lunalilo Kalaninuiahilapalapa Kaiulani on Thursday, Oct. 16, at 5 p.m. at Mauna Ala. The Princess Kaiulani Hawaiian Civic Club will be holding the services in honor of its namesake. The club, in conjunction with the Iolani Guild, will also co-host special services at 8 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 12, at St. Andrew's Cathedral.
The Mauna Ala program will also include songs by Ihilani Miller of the Royal Hawaiian Band; Ahahui Kaiulani of Kawena Corp.; and a performance by Halau Hula O Maiki. Invocation will be by the Rev. Curtis Kekuna and the closing prayer will be given by the Rt. Rev. Hollingshead Knight, dean, St. Andrew's Cathedral. Other civic clubs and Hawaiian organizations and state and county officials invited to the ceremonies will participate in the hookupu following the program. Club President Kenneth Samuel Kamaka Haina will extend greetings. Gladys Rodenhurst is in charge of the day's arrangements.
He hale ke kino no ka mana'o. The body is a house for the thought. — Maiy Kawena Pukui.