Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 9, 1 September 1986 — Responds with Letter [ARTICLE]

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Responds with Letter

Louis (Buzzy) Agard, candidate for the U. S. House of Representatives, responded to. the questionnaire with the following letter. Gentlemen: I weleome your correspondence of July 31, 1986. Your eoneem for the native Hawaiian community as relates to elected officials and their intentions to better conditions is commendable.

I believe I am the only candidate for the office I seek who has a history of supporting native Hawaiians and their needs. Your inquiry appears lengthy and any response I might make in a letter could better be answered in detail by the printing, HEARINGS before the COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES, UNITED STATES SENATE Ninety-Eighth Congress Second Session on the report of the NATIVE HAWAIIANS STUDY COMMISSION, Appendix Part 2, from pages 1 through 259. 1 am solely responsible for the content of that response. In addition I had prepared at my own expense a review for eaeh member of the Senate and House of Representatives entitled POLITICS, HAWAII SANDALWOOD TREES AND HOPE. This review as produced in 1982 and circulated to eaeh member of the congress to familiarize the eongressional members with native Hawaiians, their history and needs.

Foliowing these activities I have forwarded to Sen. Spark Matsunaga on November 29, 1985, further recommendations relative to attempting to resolve the claims issue. I fully support the native Hawaiian community in its efforts to obtain some beneficial settlement of past oversights and abuses. That attitude is also a reason I have , chosen to serve as a Hawaiian Homes Commissioner (DHHL) whieh entails devoting many hours of preparation and study to decide issues while being a non-paying I position. Aloha and mahalo for your interest. Sincerely, Louis Agard