Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 9, 1 September 1986 — Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention on Kauai [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention on Kauai
The 27th annual convention of the Assoeiation of Hawaiian Civic Clubs is scheduled Nov. 13-15 at the Kauai Hilton. Golf, kamau and cribbage tournaments will take up the daytime activities on Thursday, Nov. 13, while a hoolaulea or funfest is scheduled that evening at Lydgate Park. Convention business is slated for Friday and Saturday, Nov. 14-15, with resolutions expected to take up mueh of the agenda. The annual 'Aha Mele song competition among clubs is on tap Friday evening.
The 'Aha Aina or convention luau will conclude the convention Saturday, Nov. 15, at either Lydgate Park in Wailua or the Kauai War Memorial Convention Center in Lihue. The convention will again recognize the Outstanding Hawaiian, non-Hawaiian and Hawaiian Civic Club member. Also on the agenda this year is the election of officers. Benson Lee is the association president. The Kauai District Council is convention host. J