Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 8, 1 August 1986 — Schools, Museum in Joint Celebration [ARTICLE]
Schools, Museum in Joint Celebration
In observance of the beginning of the Kamehameha Schools' centennial celebration, a joint two-day fundraiser with the Bishop Museum is planned for Oct. 18-19 on the Museum grounds. Called Hui 'Ana Celebration (joining together), the event replaces the schools' annual Ho'olaulea and the Bishop Museum Festival, according to an announeement sent by the co-sponsoring Association of Teachers and Parents (ATP) to parents of Kamehameha students. Harry Ching, 1985-86 ATP chairman and 1986 Hui 'Ana co-chairman, noted in the announcement that this joint venture is a significant historical event for it was on this same Museum ioeahon that the schools broke ground for its first buildings 100 years ago in 1886. Proceeds from the celebration, as they were with the Ho'olaulea, go to Kamehameha students in support of academic, cultural and athletic enrichment activities. Volunteer kokua is being sought through a form sent to parents. ATP is an incorporated association of parents, teachers and friends of Kamehameha Schools students whieh serves to support the academic and social activities of the Schools. Its objectives are to: • Establish and promote a closer relationship between the home and the school, so that teachers and parents may jointly assist in the education of the child. • Undertake and support activities that make available to Kamehameha students educational opportunities beyond those offered by The Schools.
He lauhala lana. Floating pandanus leaves. — Mary Kawena Pukui.