Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 8, 1 August 1986 — Council Resolution Honors Brown [ARTICLE]
Council Resolution Honors Brown
Honolulu businessman and former State Senator Kenneth F. Brown receives City and County of Honolulu resolution honoring him as the first recipient of the Hawaii American Red Cross Humanitarian of the Yetir Award. The resolution was introduced by CounciIman Leigh Wai Doo, center. JohnParish right, also holds framed document. He is manager of the ARC Hawaii chapter. The resolution notes that former State Senator Kenneth Brown joins the ranks of such notables as Jimmy Stewart and the late General Omar Bradley to receive the American Red Cross' Humanitarian of the Year Award, presented to an individual whose efforts and achievement promote the welfare of humanity. Brown's 38 years of civic and professional contributions distinguish him as the first honoree to receive this award in Hawaii." Named Hawaiian Businessman of the Year in 1983, Brown currently is president of Mauna Lani Resort ine.
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