Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1986 — Formal lnitiation Noted by Auxiliary [ARTICLE]
Formal lnitiation Noted by Auxiliary
The first formal initiation of members into the Women's Auxiliary, Hawaii Chapter 1, of the Royal O^der of Kamehameha, took plaee at the organization's last monthly meeting at the Beretania Neighborhood Community Center. Molly Casille and Wanda Branco are the two newest members given formal inititiation. The dialogue for the ceremony was written by Vice President Betty Kawohiokalani Jenkins and the initiation was conducted by all the officers, including: Moana Umi, president; Martha Maunakea, secretary pro tem; Shirlev Leong, treasurer: Bernice Waiwaiole and Elizabeth Idian, trustees; Mary Lou Kekuewa, ser-geant-at-arms; Elizabeth Ellis, ehaplain; and Mrs. Jenkins.
E kolo an no ke ewe i ke ewe. The rootlet will creep toward the rootlets (Ofthe same origin, kinfolk will seek and loue eaeh other). — Mary Kawena Pukui,