Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 8, 1 August 1986 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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WHEREAS, the original people of the islands of Hawaii developed a functional society and culture with exceptional intelligence and only the simplest of natural materials; and WHEREAS, this highly developed ancient civilization understood and utilized concepts and methods only now being re-discovered and appreciated by modern society; and WHEREAS, this strength of the native Hawaiian people and culture withstood fhe severe tests of physical disease and psychological demeaning to emerge as a source of identity, pride, and achievement whieh inspires the entire community; and WHEREAS, the Hawaiian community is planning a year-long series of events in recognition of the ancient strength and beauty of the Hawaiian culture and of its continuing ability to accept and to transform changes of mutual betterment of all cultures in the islands; and WHEREAS, this observation will be a renewal and reaffirmation of all Hawaii to the enrichment of the native culture as an impassioned response to life; NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE R. ARIYOSHI, Governor of Hawaii, do hereby proclaim 1987 to be the YEAR OF THE HAWAIIAN OONE at the State Capitol, in the Executive Chambers, Honolulu, State of Hawaii, this third day of July, 1986.